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모바일메뉴 영역

Bio Health

Technology Introduction

Biotechnology is an industry encompassing the development of technologies, products, and services aimed at improving human health, and categorized into red, green, white bioteches.

The characteristics of biotechnology include the ability to progress from basic and clinical research to approval and commercialization, ultimately resulting in the development of final biotech health products. Moreover, it allows for phased commercialization in the technology market.

  • Red bio
    Medical and pharmaceutical technologies related to human health, such as vaccines, new drugs, diagnostics, etc.
  • Green bio
    Technologies addressing food scarcity and environmental purification in agriculture, food production, functional materials, etc.
  • White Bio
    Alternative technologies to traditional petrochemical energy industries, utilizing biological resources, such as bioplastics, bioethanol, etc.

Biotech commercialization

KAIST GCC supports the global commercialization of biohealth technologies and products, focusing on new drugs, biopharmaceuticals, non-invasive medical devices, and imaging equipment, as well as raw pharmaceutical materials. The main areas of support include collaborative research, technology transfer, certification and approval processes, market exploration, localization, and attracting investments, with a focus on advanced countries and major markets

GCC의 4가지 핵심 경쟁력 요소를 나타낸 인포그래픽입니다. 인포그래픽에 대한 설명은 아래에서 확인하실 수 있으며, 모바일 화면에서는 이미지 확대보기 버튼을 클릭하여 확대된 이미지를 보실 수 있습니다.


글로벌 네트워크
해외수요 발굴, 기회 포착 글로벌 네트워크 및 지역 허부 해외 KAIST 교육이수자, 동문
(글로벌 네트워크 → 핵심역량)사업화 지원조직 협력
유망 기술 및 기업 발굴
  • KAIST 내부 지원
  • 기업 등 외부 고객
기술자문 및 경영전략 지원
  • 성능·BM 개선 자문
  • 경영·투자유치 지원
프로젝트 시너지
다양한 지원 수행 경험 독창적 방법론 적용 (GCC Unique Methodology)


Bio ventures focusing on advanced biotechnology and non-invasive technologies are seeking rapid and efficient product development and global market entry through the use of various technologies, CRO and CMO in different fields. Customized technological commercialization is essential, considering the characteristics of each country/region and product. Technology transfer, joint research, joint ventures, localization, and specialization, based on tailored marketing strategies, are necessary.


USA: Support for global business expansion of bio companies in cooperation with UT Austin and KASBP in USA (2019-)

China: Support for business development of Korean/Chinese bio companies in cooperation with ITIRI in China (2020-)

Germany: Digital healthcare technology commercialization of KAIST in cooperation with GKBP in Germany (2022)